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March 16, 2005



To be fair, ANWR is "over-demagogued" by everybody, not just Republicans. Case in point, Barbara Boxer's citation of the "6 months" of oil to be had in ANWR. *If* it was all extracted at once, and *if* the country used no other oil at all. Which is silly. But she said it anyway.

Everybody's been using nonsense like this for years, repeating the same arguments over and over. No wonder Alaska Senator Ted Stevens said last week the whole business was making him mentally ill.


the part that made me cringe:

"delivering a major energy policy win for President Bush"

I think he has been "delivered" about enough in the way of wins. Don't you?


And we need to look at alternate energy, and become serious about conservation, and...and...and!

I am just so fed up with the bandaid mentality. When will we stop dressing the wound, and start treating the cancer?

I know...not part of the American way.


Speaking of alternate energy, Spain just made solar panels mandatory on all new construction and renovations. Hell, I'd be satisfied if our government would simply give full tax credits to people did something like that.


Democrats had a chance to send Al Gore to the white house in 2000 and blew it. Gore was the sane energy candidate.

I blame this situation on the Democrats. They had the solution and they just did not fight to implement it.

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