Part I of this series is here.
I've decided to focus Part II exclusively on Republican electoral dirty tricks. I was going to try to be balanced about it, but the preponderance of evidence is so great that I feel a moral obligation to point out that one party is engaged in a massive effort to keep certain segments of the population from voting. The other is not.
I'll go state by state.
I. Ohio:
1) Republicans have hired 3600 people to stand at (heavily minority) polling sites and challenge voters who they don't think are registered. An added problem:
"Our concern is Republicans will be challenging in large numbers for the purpose of slowing down voting, because challenging takes a long time,'' said David Sullivan, the voter protection coordinator for the national Democratic Party in Ohio. "And creating long lines causes our people to leave without voting.''
2) Some Ohio Democrats have recieved phone calls reminding them to vote on Nov. 5 -- three days after the election.
3) According to a Cleveland TV station, some Democratic have recieved letters:
The phony letter says newly registered voters signed up by the Kerry or Capri Cafaro campaigns or the NAACP, their registrations are illegal and they will not be able to vote.
Here is the letter, via LawGeek.
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