According to the NYTimes:
FARMINGTON, N.M., Aug. 26 - President Bush said on Thursday that he did not believe Senator John Kerry lied about his war record, but he declined to condemn the television commercial paid for by a veterans group alleging that Mr. Kerry came by his war medals dishonestly.
Mr. Bush's comments, in a half-hour interview with The New York Times, undercut a central accusation leveled by the veterans group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, whose unproven attacks on Mr. Kerry have dominated the political debate for more than two weeks.
Good, finally. Later in the article:
Mr. Bush did not hesitate when asked about the central charge issued by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the veterans' group that has leveled unsubstantiated attacks against Mr. Kerry's record in Vietnam. "I think Senator Kerry should be proud of his record,'' Mr. Bush said. "No, I don't think he lied.''
But when pressed repeatedly if he would specifically denounce the advertisements, which Mr. Kerry has said were being run with the tacit approval of the Bush campaign, the president refused to condemn then. Instead, he said he would talk only of the "broader issue'' of the political committees that take to the airwaves with attack advertisements.
I think this lays to rest any doubt that these commercials are anything other than the very worst and most despicable kind of attack politics. The president, whose campaign has connections to the veterans group, says that the central charges in the ad are false. But he refuses to condemn the ads.
So let's do some logic here. If the President says that Senator Kerry didn't lie about his record, that must mean that the people who are on TV saying that Kerry did lie about his record are themselves lying or are unwittingly telling an untruth.
It cannot be true both that Kerry lied and did not lie at the same time. The president says the latter. Why, therefore, is he not willing to make explicit the obvious logical corollary of his statement?
I'll tell you why:
President Bush has pulled ahead of Democratic challenger John Kerry for the first time this year in a Los Angeles Times poll, the newspaper reported on Wednesday in its on-line edition.
The survey taken Saturday through Tuesday showed that 49 percent of registered voters favored Bush, while 46 percent preferred Kerry.
The president, everyone's favorite "principled man" and "strong leader" and "guy with moral clarity" won't condemn something that he must logically realize is a lie, and that he doesn't believe personally. And ya know why? That's right, folks, it's all politics. In case anyone had any doubts. The world's most well-known Methodist is letting people bear false witness against his opponent. But the preznit believes in free speech. What a principled guy. At least he doesn't let the truth get in the way of these principles.
Though the most poignant part of the article is the part where Bush gives us a peak into his own personal grief about the issue: "I understand how Senator Kerry feels - I've been attacked by 527's too." I shed a tear for his pain and hope that the attack wasn't too hard on his family.
-- Michael
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